Opens an existing project document. Not available now because the active window is not a Gallery, Pasteboard, or Preview type. Opens an existing project document. You have the option of declaring the project you open as the "default document" in the dialog box that appears. This command should always be available. Sets the default document (catalog or project) to be opened by Fetch on startup. Closes all Fetch windows, any open catalog document, and exits the Fetch application. Prints the contents of the active window. Not available because no catalog document is open or the active window is not a Gallery, Pasteboard, or Preview type. Prints the contents of the active window. You can specify printing option (such as number of copies, etc.) in the dialog box that appears. The available options depend on what window type is currently active. Displays a dialog box which allows you to set paper size, orientation, and other printing options. Not available because no catalog document is open or the active window is not a Gallery, Pasteboard, or Preview type. Displays a dialog box which allows you to set paper size, orientation, and other printing options. The available options depend on the printer you select using the Chooser and the printer driver you have installed. Displays information about the catalog document. Not available because no catalog is open. Displays information about the catalog document. Closes all Fetch windows and the catalog document. Not available because no catalog is open. Closes all Fetch windows and the catalog document. Closes the active window. Not available because no windows are open. Closes the active window. Closing all three primary windows (Find, Gallery and Pasteboard) also closes the catalog document. Tip: Selecting this item with the Option key held down closes all Fetch windows and the catalog document. This command should always be available. Opens an existing catalog or project document. You have the option of declaring the document you open as the "default document" in the dialog box that appears. Creates a new catalog document. Not available because a catalog is already open. (Fetch can only have one catalog open at a time.) Creates a new catalog document. You have the option of declaring the new document as the "default document" in the dialog box that appears. This item is not available because it cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. This menu is not available because it cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. File menu Use these commands to create, open, print, set defaults, and get information about Fetch documents and quit the Fetch application.